

  我已經好久沒有出現在這裡了。 祝大家平安、健康。 

我們的環境正在逐漸改變,學校學生和家長的心態也逐漸改變。 由於擔心考試成績,學生/家長迫切希望找到一位神級導師,能夠使他們獲得預期的成績。 

因為他們下個月(如果不是下週)就要考試了, 學生或他們的家長總是先說 ”希望 能 幫到他/她 ,對大多數學生來說 , 這是一個mission almost impossible (尤其是中三或以上的學生)。這像你需要在幾個小時內吞下自助餐中的所有食物。 這是不可能的。

就學階段, 有兩種類型的學生可以在學校/學業成績上取得優異成績; 第一類是指有天賦的學生,  他們學習新事物的能力比其他人強。使他們能夠吸收老師教的東西。 第二種類型是指透過自己付出努力,堅持不懈地驅使自己朝著目標的方向前進,從而實現目標的學生。 

通常,大多數達到高水準的學生都是第二類型。 我們生來就有學習能力。 只是我們周圍的各種噪音(例如好玩的遊戲、一直與朋友聊天、閒逛)分散了我們的注意力。您可能會發現您或您的孩子在玩電腦遊戲,他們一開始對此一無所知,現在卻變得如此熟練。  如果你能告訴自己為什麼會這樣,你就知道答案。

11 Tips on Dealing with Difficult People

Family members, colleagues, neighbours, partners... there are many people who can test your patience. These people can be challenging and sometimes downright toxic. How you deal with these people depends on their personalities, motivations, and experience



I cannot emphasise it enough: When dealing with difficult people, you must first and foremost be kind to yourself. If you go into the confrontation with a clear head and do not react angrily, they will not know how to react because it is against their nature.


How to Write Faster: 15 Tips to Help You Write Faster (Part 2/2)

8. Revise later

Writing is one of the most important skills that every writer should master. The only problem is that most writers don’t have enough time to practice their craft. They spend hours editing their texts before they even begin to type out what they really want to say. When you edit, you’re essentially rewriting your text from scratch. This means you’re wasting time and energy. To be able to write faster, you should stop editing your work as soon as possible.


How to Write Faster: 15 Tips to Help You Write Faster (Part 1/2)

How many times have you written something down only to realise later that you got some details wrong or left out important aspects? This happens because writing takes time. Sometimes we put things off until it is too late to complete them.

This problem is even worse when you have to write long essays or reports where you wish you had more time to perfect each sentence.

3 Simple Steps to Force Yourself into Action

First, admit to yourself that you don't have enough time.


You can't just suddenly change your daily routine. It takes work and dedication, just like any other effort you make. But you can make it easier on yourself by simplifying your schedule.


Here's how:


1. Make a list of the actions you should take to achieve your goal.


Write down ONE thing you want to accomplish the most, but you haven't yet.


80 Writing Prompts to Break Your Writer's Block

How to break your writer's block? Start off with any of these writing prompts and see where they take you.


1. Write about a time in your life that was truly rewarding.

2. Share a thing you're passionate about. 

3. Tell a story about a time when you were in love with someone, but they didn't want you. 

4. Write about a person who inspires you. 

5. Tell a story about a time when you felt great about yourself. 

6. Write about a moment when you felt the most loved. 

7. Share a memory from your childhood that defines who you are. 

How To Start Freelancing For Beginners

Freelancing is a fast-growing market that offers unlimited opportunities to those willing to take the plunge. There are many factors that can make freelancing a great experience, including:


- Personal fulfilment

- Excellent work-life balance

- Maintaining your health and physical well-being

- Ability to manage your own working hours

- Sharing your expertise with your community and making an impact


How To Overcome Writer's Block?

Writer's block is a painful condition where you cannot express what you want to say, even though you seem to be able to express yourself normally. It usually occurs when you are trying to express something specific, such as describing a scene in detail or writing a poem. Writer's block can also occur when you try to concentrate on too many things at once (e.g., writing part of a project and reading other parts at the same time).


12 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Write

1. Make a writing schedule

The first thing уou ѕhould d𝗈 iѕ ѕet a ѕchedule f𝗈r when уou'll write. Whether уou're writing f𝗈r a writing clаѕѕ, a blоg, or a bооk, it'ѕ a gооd idea to stick tо a routine. Once уou're comfortable with уour ѕchedule, уou can plan hоw lоng it'll take уou to complete a piece of writing and give уourѕelf an incentive tо keep gоing. Setting аѕide a specific time each day tо write will help уou fосuѕ оn уour wоrk and enѕure that уou finiѕh уour wоrk by the deadline.

3 Steps to Improve Your Writing Productivity

1. Eliminate distractions by turning off all notifications on your phone and computer

- Turn off notifications on phones and computers.

- Make a list of things that distract you from work and put them out of reach. Some examples are sweets, phone calls/SMS messages, etc. If you cannot completely eliminate these distractions, make sure they do not interrupt you at least once a day.