80 Writing Prompts to Break Your Writer's Block

How to break your writer's block? Start off with any of these writing prompts and see where they take you.


1. Write about a time in your life that was truly rewarding.

2. Share a thing you're passionate about. 

3. Tell a story about a time when you were in love with someone, but they didn't want you. 

4. Write about a person who inspires you. 

5. Tell a story about a time when you felt great about yourself. 

6. Write about a moment when you felt the most loved. 

7. Share a memory from your childhood that defines who you are. 

8. Write about why you love your job. 

9. Describe an event you raved about for days afterward. 

10. Write about a dream you've always had, and one you'll never forget. 

11. Describe your definition of success. 

12. Write about a night in your life that changed your life for the better. 

13. Describe the best moment of your life. 

14. Write about a bad day that turned out to be a great day.

15. Imagine you were running away from something big, but now you got caught. What would you do? 

16. Tell a story about when you felt small, and you're still happy you did it. 

17. Pick one of your dreams, and write about why you want it so badly.

18. Write about the day you realized that someone special could be in your life. 

19. Name one superpower you have that you think is pretty awesome. 

20. Write a list of things you wish people knew about you. 

21. Write about a person you admire, but wish you didn't have to compete with. 

22. What it's like to be in a position where you need to forgive someone for your own peace of mind. 

23. Describe your definition of true love. 

24. Write a list of five things you need in order to feel good about yourself. 

25. Tell a story about your life that taught you something really important. 

26. Write about your favourite band or a piece of music that changed your life. 

27. Tell a story about when you feel so passionate 

28. Write about the one thing you will always regret when you're older. 

29. Share a favourite quote that you find inspiring. 

30. Write about a person in your life who has a big influence on you. 

31. An expression of your gratitude for something in your past. 

32. Write a story about being bad at something. 

33. An expression of your gratitude for something in your past. 

34. Write about a memory from your childhood that you think is so funny. 

35. What song best describes you? 

36. Write a letter to someone you love, but don't have a chance to tell them. 

37. Describe how you would feel if you were on a reality show. 

38. Write about a story you love that is sadly forgotten by everyone else. 

39. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your future self. 

40. What things does your life not need? Write about what you want to get rid of in your life. 

41. Describe what it would feel like if you won a million dollars. 

42. Write about an adventure you're really passionate about, and your advice for other people who are also interested in going on that trip.

43. Write about something that you find ridiculous. 

44. Describe a dream you had the night before. 

45. Tell a story about a song you heard when you were younger, and why it's still stuck in your head. 

46. What is the best compliment you ever received?

47. Describe how you would deal with a problem that you couldn't control. 

48. What would you like to change about yourself? 

49. Describe your life in ten words. 

50. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 

51. What is your biggest fear? 

52. Write about a time when you made a mistake, and then tried your best to fix it. 

53. When you’re feeling down about yourself, tell someone what you're doing in order to build your confidence up again. 

54. Describe a favourite memory you have from high school. 

55. How would you feel if you were given one million dollars? 

56. If you could meet someone famous, living or dead, who would it be? 

57. What four things are you most proud of, and why?

58. Describe the first person you ever told about your feelings 

59. Write a letter to your younger self and say something you want your younger self to know. 

60. What is your plan for the future? 

61. What is one thing you have always wanted to achieve, but haven't done yet? 

62. Tell a story about a time when you've felt really moved.

63. What is one reason you are so grateful to be alive today? 

64. Describe your dream job. 

65. What is something you thought you would do when you were younger? Write about how things turned out. 

66. If you were granted three wishes, what would yours be?

67. If you could speak to anyone in the world for five minutes, who would you choose? 

68. Write about an experience that has made you strong. 

69. What is the most important thing you can do with your life? 

70. What kind of person would you be if you could go back in time? 

71. If you could do only one thing for a year, what would you do? 

72. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

73. Make a list of ways you can spend more time with the people you care about.

74. Tell a story about the most powerful experience you've ever had. 

75. Describe what would happen if you could get any job in the world. 

76. Describe how you think your life would be different if you knew you were going to die today. 

77. Write a poem. 

78. Describe how you will feel if you had nothing to worry about, for the rest of your life. 

79. Describe a situation where you showed someone that you cared. 

80. Describe how you would feel if your life was a movie.



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