

May be an image of text that says '本周六夜話: 站上作者蔡凱西聊150年日旅史 閒聊 《照見日本 從明治到現代 看見與被看見的日本觀光150年史》 熱門 最新 精華 説明'

周六(2023/7/22)台灣時間晚上20:00。我會出現在 Matters Lab 自由二台的語音節目「夜話」。

Transform Your Discord Experience- Create a Custom Bot with Python in No Time


Discord has become an integral part of the online gaming community and has taken the world by storm. With millions of users and thousands of servers, it's no wonder that people are looking for ways to make their Discord experience even better. One way to do that is by creating a custom Discord bot. And what better way to do that than with the power of Python programming language?

Create ChatGPT Discord BOT Service


Looking to integrate ChatGPT into your server?

ChatGPT, trained and developed by OpenAI, is a tool based on artificial intelligence. It is designed specifically to answer questions, ranging from world events to local weather and news. Recently released in November 2022, it provides many new possibilities in the Discord Space.

一次使用就上手!地表最強即時通訊軟體 Discord 新手教學


Discord 是一款免費網路即時通訊軟體,同時支援語音/文字/視訊功能,是遊戲界的語音通訊霸主。早期的 Discord 較為遊戲玩家所熟悉,對於一般沒有打遊戲的用戶來說比較陌生。

Discord 之所以爆紅,是因為疫情期間全世界的人受困在家,工作和學習全面被迫轉為線上進行。在那過程中,人們發現了 Discord 免費使用、不賣廣告、高度隱私和通訊品質穩定等吊打市面其他免費、付費老牌視訊軟體的超強功能,紛紛站隊這個地表最強即時通訊軟體。