



Create ChatGPT Discord BOT Service


Looking to integrate ChatGPT into your server?

ChatGPT, trained and developed by OpenAI, is a tool based on artificial intelligence. It is designed specifically to answer questions, ranging from world events to local weather and news. Recently released in November 2022, it provides many new possibilities in the Discord Space.

ChatBot Using CHatGPT For Social Media Discord Whatsapp Facebook


Looking for a talented developer to build a top-notch Chatbot using NodeJS JavaScript and Python?

Look no further! Our experienced developer with a passion for creating innovative solutions that make life easier for businesses and individuals alike.

With our expertise in both NodeJS and Python, we are confident that we can build you a simple

Chatbot that is not only highly functional but also incredibly user-friendly.

JavaScript | JS終極學習指南

這是面向開發人員和想要瞭解 JS 的人的綜合指南。它涵蓋了雲端服務語言的基礎知識,語法以及它與Java或C++等其他語言的關係。它還包括有關代碼格式設置,調試工具,Web框架,測試框架等的有用資訊。



好消息是,JavaScript 並不像你想像的那麼可怕。實際上,它是一種有趣且靈活的程式設計語言,您可以在前端和後端使用。

不僅如此。JS對於啟用Web應用程式,移動應用程式和遊戲開發也非常有用。它用於Web伺服器,Raspberry Pis,機器人和運行機器學習演算法。最後,它也可以在區塊鏈專案中使用,就像乙太坊區塊鏈JavaScript API一樣。

小型網頁管理 Small Websites Manage

I am Ken, a Web Developer and IT Assistant 7 years. And work as Visual Effect Animator for 3 years in a Hong Kong TV station. I mainly is working on responsive website and WCAG website.

個人網頁 Personal website :

計劃和定價 :
HKD$150/月 或 HKD$1,650/年

Plans and Pricing :
HKD$150/MONTH 或 HKD$1,650/YEAR

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