
Art in Life

Art is a study that exists in any form. It can be anywhere. As long as you give a meaning or a name for it, everything can be art. Speaking of the history of art, it can be traced back to a long time ago. Our ancestors kept diaries or took notes by drawing pictures or engraving them in stone, before the invention of texts. In China, texts are also derived from oracle bone inscriptions that were carved on turtle shells or stones.


本文原為《The Affairs 週刊編集》邀稿,刊於第11期(2002年6月10日)的「安妮新聞」(The Annie Time)特刊,設定的讀者是11–16青少年,該刊係與教育部合作的刊物,旨在促進青少年了解與接觸報刊,培養議題的參與和美感素養。原題為〈探索未知世界的早期「旅遊書〉,現更名並大幅修訂發布,外加附更多圖。

港鬼故 - 香港鬼怪故事節


Hong Kong Ghost Story Festival is romoting Hong Kong's history and culture in an innovative way by telling interesting ghost stories and guiding tours, which is for introducing Hong Kong. On the other hand, we provide broadcasting old horror films and haunted house, which is for thesake of entertainment.