
Business card design 卡片設計

Business card designs

🕹 LabXR is a creative and technology studio that helps the client build their world and deliver appealing visual content.

With the same design, we provided different printing for the client’s various applications.

Paper | 500g black card
Effect | holographic foil, white ink

The work was completed for ©️LabXR

For more details and other works, please visit 

Business card design 卡片設計

🛸 Nevirts is a network of metaverses that aims to empower creativity and growth for individuals and communities. As a metaverse platform, Nevirts provides a virtual environment where users can interact, create, and explore immersive experiences. 

Nevirts offers a range of tools, features, and resources that enable users to express their creativity. Users can design and customize their virtual avatars, create and manipulate virtual objects, build virtual environments, and develop interactive experiences.



一般大家都會以為是導演決定要加什麼特效和graphic,因為在電影的後製流程的確是由導演主導。但去到綜藝節目,導演的角色都會較為偏向聽指示去執行。在綜藝節目的後製流程會是導演根據Writer之前所寫的flow或稿(可算是劇本)的次序將footage拼貼。導演會加上少少個人剪接風格,之後就會交給Writer去觀看成品。通常導演給予第一次剪接的版本會被稱為初剪(first cut),Writer會在first cut中寫上comment和想製作的特效和graphic,而comment其實是給予導演一些要修剪的建議,所以某程度上Writer是懂得簡單剪接,如果不是就會被導演質疑,甚至不會跟著你的comment去修改。

西洋書法及平面設計 English Calligraphy & Graphic Design

New scent cards and diffuser tips for Savasana. Integrating with freehand modern calligraphy titles, the relax feeling of the new product is enhanced.

Earth – combines the aromas of pinewood, cedarwood, and moss, bringing the outdoors inside with a grounding and invigorating fragrance that captures the essence of nature.

Laundry – fills the air with a captivating blend of dark musk, infusing your space with a long-lasting fragrance reminiscent of freshly laundered fabrics.

The works was completed for ©️Savasana Scented Candle.