Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing/Business Professional Services

I am eager to learn new things and take on new challenges in my career. I am looking for opportunities to grow and develop as a marketing, event management, and company secretarial services professional. I am motivated by delivering high-quality work and exceeding expectations. I value teamwork, collaboration, and diversity in the workplace.

Feel free to contact me if you want me to assist you in any service listed below:

  • Company Secretary/Accounting/Auditing/Tax Consulting
  • Social media Marketing
  • Events planning
  • Editing CVs
  • etc…

Social Media Marketing (Facebook & Instagram)

As my full-time job, my company provides services ranging from the incorporation of companies in Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands, and other well-known offshore jurisdictions to the provision of corporate secretarial, nominee services, tax consultancy, and tax investigation assistance, auditing as well as trustee and corporate management services via our team of professional staff headed by qualified professionals.

During my free time, I love working on marketing and events. The services I could provide include social media marketing, planning events, and editing CVs. 



– 關鍵字研究、市場產品調查、數據成效分析、Facebook及Instagram Ads、Google Ads、YouTube Ads、Amazon Ads、SEO等數碼營銷策略
– HKTVmall、Amazon、eBay、Shopee、Shopify等網上銷售平台的電商營運與管理技巧
– B2B銷售技巧
– 基礎概念與知識
– 實務與操作技巧
– 電商思維培養技巧
– 客戶投訴與風險管理技巧
– 電商潮流與趨勢
– 財務與稅務知識
– 任何與網上銷售業務相關的其他知訊
