
香蘭綠茶牛奶 Pandan Milk Tea

班蘭葉散發獨特的甜美香氣,是東南亞標誌式香料!今年秋季,Caffe Milani精心引入班蘭葉及綠茶,泡製全新的牛奶特飲,口感香甜綿滑,每一口都芬芳滿溢,令人難以抗拒!

Pandan leaf has a unique sweet aroma and is one of the signature spices of Southeast Asia! This autumn, Caffe Milani proudly introduces a special Pandan Milk Tea. The taste is sweet and smooth and every sip is full of fragrance - an irresistible and amazing tea to enjoy !

香蘭綠茶牛奶 Pandan Milk Tea $40(Hot)、$45(Iced)

THE FOREST 新店限定「純素忌廉海鹽咖啡」

去咗Caffè Milani 旺角新店打卡未?
為慶祝新店成立,我們最近推出會員開業禮遇——「 咖啡買一送一優惠劵」!買一杯即時送多杯同等規格的咖啡比您!一個價錢,二人共享,非常化算!
THE FOREST 新店見啦! Ciao!

Have you visited our new store in Mongkok? Immediate registration to be a member and you can enjoy a buy-1-get-1 coffee opening offer!
What’s more? Don’t miss our new shop drink special - Vegan Cream Mezzo Coffee - a super good choice for both vegan or regular coffee drinkers!
See you soon at THE FOREST new store! Ciao!

純素忌廉海鹽咖啡 $48(熱)、$52(凍)
Vegan Cream Mezz Coffee $48(Hot)、$52(Iced)