
👨‍🏫HCL assists you in getting the qualification of HKIA / HKIE /REnv /CIOB / CEng / ICE / CABE/IMechE !

😎HCL (21 years of experience)

Are you an engineer looking to apply for CEng?

HCL provides a tailor made mentorship scheme for candidates who want to join the international professional memberships.

We help you get there. 

Our mentorship scheme is the first and innovative way to develop your professional development since 2007 in Hong Kong. We offer a range of online and physical events aimed at guiding and supporting you through the CEng application and interview process

 🤝For the latest information, please contact




1. Alma Thomas

Alma Thomas 原本於美國一間種族隔離的初中當了35年藝術老師,直至1960年退休後,才已69歲之齡以藝術家方向發展,風格受西非繪畫和拜占庭馬賽克影響,以色彩多姿的不規則幾何組成抽象作品為主,以她其中一幅著名作品1972年的《Starry Night and the Astronauts》為例,以不同藍色的幾何圖案作背景,與鮮艷的色塊作對比,透過不同顏色的組成表達開闊的夜空及天體,線條簡單但拼起來卻相當旺盛,其色彩運用、節奏亦十分值得參考學習。

HCL assists you in getting the qualification of Chartered Engineer!



WhatsApp / 📞 : 852-46607198 (Ms Sue Lau )

  📨 Email : [email protected]
   Website : www.hcl.hk

< 🤯好想成為一位特許工程師 CEng !但是不知道從何開始? >

< 🤯好想成為一位特許工程師!但是不知道從何開始? >

📌成為特許工程師(Chartered Engineer,CEng)可以讓你顧主和客戶了解到你的能力已經得到認證和評估!


🌟HCL專家提供考牌課程 ,教你少走彎路,早日踏上成功之路!🌟

有興趣了解更多關於CEng , 歡迎聯絡我!

📳WhatsApp / 📞 :852-46607198 ( Sue Lau )
 Email:[email protected]

🌟Are you looking for the next step in your professional career?

👷👷‍♀️如何能成功考牌成為專業項目工程師(Project Engineer)?
HCL專家提供考牌課程 ,教你少走彎路,早日踏上成功之路!

🌟Are you looking for the next step in your professional career?

📌HCL is a dedicated mentor that gives you all the tools and tips you need to reach your goals.

📌Come join our mentorship scheme and take your career to the next level.

📳Contact Sue Lau ( Tel/Whatsapp 852-46607198 )to find out more

Web : www.hcl.hk



🦾Enhance your career with Professional Registration🦿

🦾Enhance your career with Professional Registration🦿

👷👷‍♀️When you become a Chartered Engineer (CEng), it demonstrates to your employers and clients that you have had your competence independently assessed, your credentials verified, and have made a commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

🌟FREE Student Membership with the IMechE🌟

🌟FREE Student Membership with the IMechE🌟


⚙️👷Become a #Student Member with the Institution of the Mechanical Engineers(#IMechE).


Student Affiliate membership is #free to undergraduate students studying science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) subjects.


Sign up today 👉https://www.imeche.org/membership-registration


🤔Why do you need to join the international professional memberships ?

😎HCL provides a tailor made mentorship scheme for candidates who want to join the international professional memberships.


🔹MIMechE + CEng        🔹MCABE +CEng

🔹MCIBSE + CEng           🔹MIET + CEng

🔹MICE + CEng                  🔹MCIWEM +CEng

🔹MICE + CEnv                    🔹MRICS +CEnv




👀Find out what mentorship scheme you need.



About HCL
