
SASE SD-WAN: The Future of Secure Networking

In today's digital age, secure networking has become a critical component for businesses to operate efficiently and securely. With the increasing number of cyber threats and the need for remote work, traditional network architectures are no longer sufficient. This is where SASE SD-WAN comes into play. SASE SD-WAN combines the power of Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) with the benefits of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solutions to provide a more secure and efficient network infrastructure.

How to choose the right secure remote access solution for your business?

In today's business environment, many companies are adopting remote work policies to provide flexibility to their employees and remain competitive. As a result, there has been a growing demand for secure remote access solutions that allow employees to access company resources from anywhere while maintaining security. With so many options available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the right secure remote access solution for your business.

How to choose the best enterprise cloud services?

How to choose the best enterprise cloud services?

When it comes to choosing the best enterprise cloud services, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First of all, you should know what your requirements are. What kind of features do you need? What kind of performance do you need? How much storage and data transfer do you require?

What is the tier iii+ data center?

tier iii+ data center is the most advanced and expensive data centers in the world. They are designed to handle high-volume workloads with extreme demands such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence. tier iii+ data cente rhas a lot of features that make them more efficient than other data centers. The energy efficiency is one of them.


相信大家對「雲端」一詞並不陌生,日常生活應用了不少雲端服務,有助提升個人、企業及交易事務的效率,如雲端儲存空間Dropbox, SaaS服務圖像設計的Canva, 以及IaaS服務的軟件伺服平台Google Cloud等。今日,與各位分享雲端服務一員的虛擬私有雲(​​Virtual private cloud),究竟甚麽是VPC?


私有雲(Private cloud)是為指定個體、組織、企業、機構提供的私人雲端環境,而非大眾。主要依靠公司防火牆和內部託管,為數據資訊安全作出最高級別的保護,讓用戶易於管理及控制雲端資源,並確保第三方無法存取和訪問敏感數據。普遍的私有雲端是由企業所用,因此也被稱為「企業雲」。所以企業需擁有等同數據中心的專業團隊、配備用於管理和維護,加重企業成本和責任。