Public cloud

Unlocking the Potential of Data Center Services: Your Comprehensive Guide

In the heart of the digital age, businesses are navigating an increasingly data-driven landscape. Vital to this navigation are data center services, a powerhouse of solutions that form the digital backbone of modern enterprises. This guide presents a profound exploration into the significance, variety, and challenges inherent to these services, providing a well-rounded perspective on this complex field.

Understanding Cloud Computing: 7 Essential Perspectives that Illuminate the Cloud Landscape

1. Grasping the Basics of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, a term that has become increasingly ubiquitous in the digital age, is a system of delivering computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and more—over the Internet ("the cloud"). These services offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Pay-as-you-go models for cloud services can reduce operating costs, improve infrastructure efficiency, and scale applications as the user's business or audience grows.




 1. 節省空間




相信大家對「雲端」一詞並不陌生,日常生活應用了不少雲端服務,有助提升個人、企業及交易事務的效率,如雲端儲存空間Dropbox, SaaS服務圖像設計的Canva, 以及IaaS服務的軟件伺服平台Google Cloud等。今日,與各位分享雲端服務一員的虛擬私有雲(​​Virtual private cloud),究竟甚麽是VPC?


私有雲(Private cloud)是為指定個體、組織、企業、機構提供的私人雲端環境,而非大眾。主要依靠公司防火牆和內部託管,為數據資訊安全作出最高級別的保護,讓用戶易於管理及控制雲端資源,並確保第三方無法存取和訪問敏感數據。普遍的私有雲端是由企業所用,因此也被稱為「企業雲」。所以企業需擁有等同數據中心的專業團隊、配備用於管理和維護,加重企業成本和責任。

傳統WAN與SD-WAN Network的分別?



與傳統的以路由器為中心的 WAN 架構不同,現今的SD-WAN Solutions的模型託管在本地數據中心、公共或私人雲端的應用程序或SaaS 服務,例如Salesforce, Slack, Dropbox等,因此提供最高水平的應用程序性能。