ict solution


企業成長其中最重要的要素之一,是擁有合適的數數據技術(Data technology)以支持著組織的基礎架構。這種基礎設施需要具足夠智慧和靈活,以便可以隨著公司的發展而擴展。每個公司都有各自的數據要求,包括數據資料的存取、業務或產品想法實踐的地方,須需一定的IT基礎架構。SmartCloud是個理想的折衷方法,下文會為大家娓娓道來。

Secure remote access solution-Why do we need security?

Secure remote access solution can be considered a must have security software during the epidemic, many companies are using "remote control", so that employees can remotely control the company's computers even at home, even at home can work smoothly, in fact, have you ever thought that the seemingly so convenient mode of work is the network security vulnerability, hackers can easily take advantage of the opportunity to enter.