Secure remote access solution-Why do we need security?

Secure remote access solution can be considered a must have security software during the epidemic, many companies are using "remote control", so that employees can remotely control the company's computers even at home, even at home can work smoothly, in fact, have you ever thought that the seemingly so convenient mode of work is the network security vulnerability, hackers can easily take advantage of the opportunity to enter. It is best to install a Secure remote access solution for your employees and company, without proper Secure remote access solution protection will be very easy to be hacked and thus blackmailed. access solution.

What is ict solution?

ICT solution is a group of technologies that help an organization to improve its business processes and achieve greater efficiency.

The term ICT solution is essentially the same as the term IT solution. The main difference between these two terms is that ICT solutions are more specific to a certain industry or sector, whereas IT solutions are more general.There are many benefits of using ICT solutions in an organization, and this article will discuss some of them. ICT solution is the solution for the information and communication technology. The ICT solution can be used to solve the problems of information and communication. It also can be used to solve the problem of information and communication technology. The ICT solution is a good way to solve these problems.

why do we need sdwan

The use of SD-WAN can be beneficial to businesses in a variety of ways. It can increase the speed and quality of internet services, lower the costs of internet access, and provide more security for your business. SD-WAN is a network architecture that uses a centralized cloud controller to manage all the connections between different sites. It has been designed to provide an optimized, reliable, and cost-effective way of connecting remote sites over the public internet.

The benefits of SD-WAN are:

1) it reduces the number of connections between sites by using only one connection for each site;

2) it provides better performance for applications;

3) it provides better reliability and security than traditional WANs.


Why do you need cloud solutions?

Many technology giants have launched their own cloud solutions, such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. Do enterprises still need to use paid cloud solutions? In fact, paid cloud solutions have different functions, for example, paid cloud solutions can provide multi-cloud service, which allows enterprises to manage different accounts and different servers of cloud systems on one account and one device at the same time. It is very convenient for the management. For example, paid cloud solutions can provide multi-cloud service, which allows enterprises to manage different accounts and servers on one account and one device at the same time.

Disaster recovery——Does it matter?

Many company projects have Plan B, but do you have a good Disaster recovery plan for your data? For example, Hong Kong is often affected by typhoons and many offices are damaged by typhoons. For example, Hong Kong is often affected by typhoons and many offices are damaged by typhoons. If there is only a physical version of the data without any electronic version, it will be difficult to retrieve the damaged data in case of natural disasters, so it can be seen that Disaster recovery is very important to ensure that the required documents can be found in any event, regardless of natural or man-made disasters.

What is sase sd-wan

sase sd-wan is a secure access service edge that requires a secure network architecture. sase sd-wan components include different sdwans, routing, segmentation and firewalls, and an optimized WAN. sase sd-wan's primary function is to enable users to securely access space on the cloud. In the long run, using sase sd-wan will have the following advantages.

  • Increase business productivity and customer satisfaction
  • Enforce enhanced and consistent security principles across the enterprise
  • Reduce risk and protect brand image
  • Improve IT efficiency and reduce overall WAN and security costs

Intelligent network solution: the new technology leads us one step further

What do you know about intelligent network solution? In fact, the current 5G intelligent network solution brings different advantages to the company, the upgrade of technology will bring different advantages to the company, why not consider the following to upgrade the company's technology to intelligent network solution. The 5G intelligent network solution can automatically capture for the company because the whole 5G technology allows us to automatically integrate into the system and if there is any problem, it will be automatically and quickly captured, which can further reduce the efficiency and time delay. It is clear that 5G can bring more possibilities for future intelligence, and with the powerful storage space, if you want to upgrade your business, you should consider upgrading your intelligent network solution.


What can you get from intelligent network?

The latest intelligent network is the 5G network. With the latest intelligent network, you can see that technology is really changing rapidly. The intelligent network can bring optimized production to your company, because the 5G network can even grasp the machine's data about the production pattern, and can know the whole factory's current manufacturing situation, and can effectively anticipate the production cycle to achieve the final waste reduction. Moreover, the powerful whole capability of the intelligent network can connect the hardware of the factory and the software of the company. The interface on the intelligent network enables all systems and resources to be accessed at once. In the long run, this can increase employee productivity and reduce costs.

Edr solution——the best automated virus detection

EDR solution is the short term of endpoint detection and response, which belongs to an endpoint security solution. Do you have a high regard for your company's computer security? It is best to install an EDR solution because it can help you to monitor and collect data in real time, and has an automatic threat response mechanism that can identify suspicious activities on the network before any hacking and loss occurs, and make immediate defensive actions against various threats. So it is better to install the suitable EDR solution.

  • Blocking fileless malware attacks that may infect endpoint devices
  • Control the execution of scripting operations
  • Prevent malicious emails from being loaded and triggering their attachments
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