
清涼滋味 驅走翳焗🍫🌿

天氣悶熱,清爽的特飲自然不可或缺!Giovanni Pina以薄荷及朱古力製成沙冰,帶來濃郁與清爽兼備的秋季特飲!為更大滿足朱古力控需求,特飲頂部仲加了我們招牌的意大利特濃朱古力雪糕!層層不同滋味,口感豐富,令人一試難忘!

A refreshing drink is naturally indispensable during the hot and dry weather! Giovanni Pina makes a mint and chocolate smoothie to welcome the arrival of Autumn season! In order to better satisfy chocolate-holic fans, this special drink is topped up with our signature Italian chocolate gelato! With the different texture between gelato & smoothie as well as the tastes of cocoa and mint fragrance, mint & chocolate lovers will be totally satisfied for sure!

Why coffee? Wine Coffee!

你喜歡咖啡還是紅酒?現在,您可兩者兼得!Giovanni Pina全新推出的紅寶石咖啡,將紅酒的芬芳與濃香的咖啡和諧地融為一體,讓人可同時享受兩者結合所帶來的味蕾新版圖!此外,這款咖啡特飲適合搭配各種食品,味道還非常百搭呢!

Do you want a cup of coffee? Or a glass of red wine? Now, you can have both in a glass with marvelous magic playing on tastebud! The fragrance of red wine comes harmoniously with aromatic coffee - what a refreshing and amazing coffee drink for all occasions!

Ruby Coffee $55(Hot)、$58(Iced)
紅寶石咖啡 $55(熱)、$58(凍)

Ruby Coffee Latte $55(Hot)、$58(Iced)
紅寶石牛奶咖啡 $55(熱)、$58(凍)