
"秋"饈百味 至鮮滋味🍁🦐

西班牙頂級珍寶紅蝦被譽為世界上最美味的蝦,不但較一般海蝦濃郁十倍,肉質比龍蝦更鮮甜!Giovanni Pina 精心以炭火細烤紅蝦,以熱力將蝦膏的油脂香逼出,然後再將紅蝦及多款海蝦熬成濃汁,加入手工寬條麵燴煮,吃來滿口滿鮮甜鹹香,令人一試傾心!

The Carabineros Jumbo Prawns from Spain is well acclaimed as the most delicious shrimp in the world. The fragrance and sweetness are not only richer than ordinary sea shrimp but even lobster! Giovanni Pina meticulously grilled the Carabineros Jumbo Prawn over charcoal fire to force out the aroma of the shrimp paste and is served with handmade fettuccine cooked in a supreme prawn sauce. An amazing taste from the ocean that you will enjoy!


K11 Musea 的Giovanni Pina特別參照意大利傳統祕方,炮製五漁村海鮮漁湯燴海鱸魚柳 - 以精心熬製的海鮮濃湯,慢火浸煮鮮嫩的海鱸魚柳,令人盡享地中海的至鮮美味!

意大利五漁村海鮮漁湯燴海鱸魚柳 套餐$288
Ciao Set Menu 套餐包括沙律、湯、主食、甜品及飲品。

Italy has a long coastal line with a rich selection of seafood!
Giovanni Pina specially adopted the traditional way of Italian to make this signature Cinque Terre seafood fish broth. This finely brewed rich seafood soup is the essence of many seafood accompanied with slowed cooked sea bass fillet - absolutely the most delicious taste from the Mediterranean!

石燒烤爐美食 From the Stone Grill

石燒烤爐價值不菲,因烤爐的熱石發出的的遠紅外線,可令肉質更柔軟及鎖緊肉汁!當然,廚師的經驗和心機均十分重要,確保烤熟程度恰到好處!GIOVANNI PINA 北角店最新推出石燒烤肉系列,包括澳洲特級羊架、美國極優平鐵牛肩扒、大虎蝦或鮮魷魚等。專顧任何石燒美食更可享意大利沛羅尼 Peroni 生啤買一送一優惠

地址:香港北角北角邨里1號, 北角匯1期, 1樓111號舖

Milano Tea Set For Two

Caffe Milani最近推出全新的”Milano Tea Set For Two”雙人下午茶,包括多款由廚師團隊精心炮製的鹹甜美點、兩杯咖啡或茶!意猶未盡,仲可加$20特價加享意大利雪糕,為炎夏消暑!

Milano Tea Set For Two
$188* 兩位 (+$20加享意大利雪糕一球)
星期一至日下午 2:30 開始供應
(詳細地址: www.luxtek.com.hk/contact/)

Why coffee? Wine Coffee!

你喜歡咖啡還是紅酒?現在,您可兩者兼得!Giovanni Pina全新推出的紅寶石咖啡,將紅酒的芬芳與濃香的咖啡和諧地融為一體,讓人可同時享受兩者結合所帶來的味蕾新版圖!此外,這款咖啡特飲適合搭配各種食品,味道還非常百搭呢!

Do you want a cup of coffee? Or a glass of red wine? Now, you can have both in a glass with marvelous magic playing on tastebud! The fragrance of red wine comes harmoniously with aromatic coffee - what a refreshing and amazing coffee drink for all occasions!

Ruby Coffee $55(Hot)、$58(Iced)
紅寶石咖啡 $55(熱)、$58(凍)

Ruby Coffee Latte $55(Hot)、$58(Iced)
紅寶石牛奶咖啡 $55(熱)、$58(凍)