public data





簡單而言是一種網絡的預防措施,主要是保護底層網絡基礎設施免受未經授權的訪問、誤用、故障、修改、破壞或不當披露的過程。實施網絡保安措施讓電腦、用戶及程序在安全環境中執行關鍵功能。既可保護數據免受病毒侵害,也能防範未經授權用戶的滋擾和其他潛在威脅。 保護網絡除了需要完善的基礎建設及硬件設備:路由器、防火牆和反惡意軟件應用程序,還配合專業的技術團隊持續監控這些安全計劃。


The benefits of a Data Center for your business

Data center Hong Kong(香港數據中心) is used to provide infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and provide a physical space for the company's computers and other equipment. It supplies all of the infrastructure required to run a data center and maintains all associated hardware and software. Data center Hong Kong is a commercial service based on rental fees, which is a shared area where numerous SMEs' data centers and IT departments are managed under one roof.