mpls vpn network

Why do we need disaster recovery for data?

We need disaster recovery for data because it is an important part of our data infrastructure. Disaster recovery helps us to recover from a disaster and maintain the integrity of our data. Since we are talking about disasters, we need to mention that disasters can be natural or man-made, and they can affect all types of organizations - from small businesses to large enterprises.

【Business Hack】Safeguard your reputation by having a backup & disaster recovery solution

To remind you guys of the importance of having appropriate managed security services in place, today I have to share my very own stupid experience about being not secure enough with my clients’ data.

What is MPLS VPN Network? Who should consider MPLS?

MPLS VPN Network is a remote access technology, which simply means that the public network is used to set up a private network. For example, if an employee of a company travels to a foreign country and wants to access the server resources of the enterprise intranet, this kind of access is remote access across data center asia pacific.