HCL assists you in getting the qualification of Chartered Engineer!

👷🏻‍♀️👷🏼‍♂️Please feel free to reach out anytime if you wish to achieve a higher standard(HKIE,CEng) or even management level. I’m here to support you in any shape and form with professional .

We are HCL Educational Consultant

21 years of experience - professional licensing consulting services (engineer/environmental engineer/surveyor/constructor)

Committed to providing students with a professional licensing examination guidance plan to improve the success rate of students licensing examinations.



🌿#香港註册環境師 (REnv)的專業資格獲得英國特許建築工程師學會(Chartered Association of Building Engineers, UK)認可,可以直接互認考獲 #CABE 的專業資格,所以 REnv及 MHKEnv 可以申請CABE的專業資格,使HKIOE再獲國際認可和英國政府承認!