鴻福堂集團有限公司 (德隆工業有限公司)


關於 鴻福堂集團有限公司 (德隆工業有限公司)

Taclon Industries Limited is a subsidiary of Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited. 

Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited established in 1986 and listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 4 July 2014, Hung Fook Tong is a modern wellness concept food and beverage enterprise, offering a comprehensive range of products. The Company is currently having 126 retail shops network in China and Hong Kong and extensive wholesaling sales coverage in Hong Kong and overseas. To cope with our rapid growth, we are inviting high calibers to apply for the following post:
11 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T.
201-500 位員工

