GR8 Leisure Concept Ltd.


關於 GR8 Leisure Concept Ltd.

About GR8 Leisure Concept Limited

Founded in 2004, GR8 Leisure Concept is an innovative hospitality group that owns and manages a portfolio of seven brands, consisting of hotels, restaurants, and bars across Hong Kong and China. The Luxe Manor, a surrealism-inspired boutique hotel located in Tsim Sha Tsui. The property is home to the city’s authentic Nordic restaurant, FINDS and Dada Bar + Lounge, a contemporary variety club creatively reminiscent of the elusive Dada art movement. Also in Hong Kong is the group’s charming beachside café, Cafe Roma, which boasts a premium spot by Tung Wan Beach in Ma Wan. Hotel Soul is the group’s second hotel venture located in Suzhou, China. The hotel features continental restaurant Brasserie 101, and the hotel’s latest concept, Bar Soul, which brings a unique blend of retro and industrial elements to Hotel Soul.



廣域理念有限公司於2004 年成立,為創新的酒店及餐飲集團。於香港及中國擁有並管理七個品牌,業務範圍包括:酒店、餐廳及酒吧等。位於尖沙咀以「超現實主義」作設計概念的設計師精品酒店帝樂文娜公館,酒店內備有兩間別具一格的餐飲場所:全港正宗北歐餐廳FINDS及取名自達達藝術運動的酒吧Dada Bar + Lounge。此外,集團在香港另設一間沙灘旁餐廳Cafe Roma,坐擁馬灣東灣沙灘美景。集團的第二間精品酒店物業蘇哥利酒店,座落於中國蘇州,酒店開設了歐陸美食餐廳一零一餐廳及酒吧品牌Bar Soul,將獨特復古及工業設計風格帶進蘇哥利酒店。

