Do you want to know the secret behind trading?

Trading in the car.

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a millionaire trading at home, or in the car? Do you want to trade in literally wherever you want? Yeah, I believe that we all did. But, sadly, the truth is "no way". Here are some reasons why you shouldn't trade and why is trading the biggest scam and fraud in the world. 

Before getting right into our topic, I have to clarify the difference between trading and investing.  Trading is gambling.  Investing is about your future vision, about how you view the company in the future, and about the company's potential, development, and impact. So, stop saying that trading is equal to investing. They are different in all aspects. 

Alright, the first reason is that there are "controllers" in the market. You will never know when who they are, where are they living, not to mention their background. What did these controllers do? They will simply control the market, as well as the stories of Wojak. How do they control the market? I don't know man, all I know is that they are a big institution and many wealthy people are in these institutions. These institutions will manage the assets of wealthy people. That's why they have the power to control the market. 

The second reason is addiction. Believe me, if you earn any money in the stock market, it's not because of the analysis, price action, or your skill. It's because of luck. Simply luck. 100% luck. You are simply in the same thoughts as the controller. This is not trading, this is not analyzing, this is gambling. 50% win, 50% loss. Gambling comes along with addiction. You will stuck in this circle until you are broke. 

All in all, no longer should you trade. Trading is just a waste of time and money. It's an illusion, go to work, go to empower yourself, or go to the gym. At least, trust me, stop TRADING!!!!!

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