Importance of Stability in the Changing World

Live with a lame person and learn to limp.

Do you like change? How do you feel about the changes? Changes can be gradual, from climate change to aging, and changes in the surrounding environment. Change is always there. We may be too familiar with our surroundings to notice changes. The public even ignores warnings from professionals until disaster strikes. As we all know, humans have a history of 5,000 years. History tells us to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Because our ancestors have established systems that work well and have always worked. More precisely, they preserved the basic rules and created the foundation.

When do we notice changes? Small changes are discovered by accident. Take the invention of the sandwich for example. The inventor was an earl living in England. He didn't want to waste time eating and still enjoyed playing games with his friends. Then he mixed the two slices of bread with the meat. His original idea came from saving time. The same goes for current inventions. They may stem from a simple need. Others are improving and diversifying the prototype.

Likewise, the economy is always changing. The economy exists under the condition of a balance of supply and demand.  So does the labor market. We are gradually replaced by AI now. More and more people are laid off due to the excess workforce. There are no stable jobs now. Only you can build a steady cash flow on your own. It's time to save for a rainy day. Don't know how to do? Reading books helps you. 

All isn't lost in that is in danger. Transformation is painful in the beginning. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. The accumulation of changes can lead to different outcomes. Don't be too sensitive. What is happening now has the same record as in the past. We live in a cycle. Everyone is involved. How can we break out of the vicious cycle? Start by imitating successful people!

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