Book Review - Power of Now - (Part II)

Are you satisfied with your current state? Are you enjoying being yourself? Do you cherish each moment no matter with or without others? Many people aren't really satisfied with what they own. According to an article written by Nir Eyal published in Psychology Today indicates there are four psychological factors composed dissatisfaction: boredom, negativity bias, rumination and hedonic adaptation. What do people do when they feel unsatisified? They may pursue new goals that continually capture their attention but ignoring potential risks.

Dissatisfaction leads people to indudge in alochol, drugs, sex, food or even shopping to anestheticate themselves in an unconscious attempt to remove the basic unease. In this way, they can comfortably wait for a better life. However, it cannot come in the future. When you honor, acknowledge and fully accept your present reality. When you fully accept what you have got, you are grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for being. Then, you are in your better life. 

Lots of people thought they understood the presence but they have no idea that being present is the best cure for their problems. Can you remember your family members' birthday? Do you still celebrate traditional festivals with your family? When is the last time you showed the gratitude to your mother? Our world is surrounded by numerous parallel universes. Everyone has its own universe and its own speed. As time goes by, you are probably to 20s, 30s or 40s. Your appearance may be mature as ages gain. It doesn't mean your inner body already grow up. There is an old saying: we won't learn things from experience. Histories prevent us from repetitive mistakes. It also inspires you to think bout balancing solutions under different conditions. 

When we impart positive energy to others, we are also depleting our own positive energy. When others apply negative energy to us, we are affected too. Anger needs to be let out. Necessary solitude can help you clear your mind. People often wear masks to survive. They may be clowns, politicians, or elitists. It’s easy for them to forget who they really are behind the mask. Enough space can help you clarify your own essence. Whatever it is, never forget who you really are.

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