Live for Others and Live for Yourself

Partner = Teacher

Social interaction is a complicated study. Humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world. Humans were originally designed to help each other and build a strong community. However, the original intention of human design has changed with the prosperity and development of society. When it comes to competitiveness, the dialogue between humans will no longer become easy and free.

Speaking from experience, venting frustrations is a common way to stress out. Although complaining won't solve your problem, it still gives you a sigh of relief. What do you do when you face failure? Don't be panic. Only by having a good attitude of "I can do it", can we get through difficult times. Additionally, in our entrepreneurial and learning process, we may be alone at the beginning. Don't be sad, it's not that time yet. We can list our goals and align ourselves before looking for a partner. 

 You can run fast on your own, but joining a team can help you accomplish bigger goals. Have you ever watched a video of a wolf hunting? When a wolf spots prey, it will notify its companions through body language. Then, their leader must take control of the entire situation and assign tasks to each wolf to capture the prey. Their main goal is to have a nice meal. Their first step is to distract their prey. Secondly, one of them will attack the prey's weakness, trapping it. Finally, they can kill it without effortlessly. 

Wolves are group animals and they have a serious social class structure. Without numerous fights, a wolf won't be able to be a leader in a group. How to find out your wolf partner? It's not easy. Some people camouflage themselves so well that you don't know they are wolves. Some people don't know they have potential to be wolves and need to be awaken by another one. The existence of everyone  in our life has its meaning. Right partners accompany you. Wrong guys teach you lessons. We only have one life and can't do it again. Live for others, at the same time, live for yourself.

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