Mind Flow

A few months ago, I joined a study group and we had a weekly meeting for book discussion. The book we read was called “Stolen Focus.” After reading it, I think the book is trying to tell us how we should focus on the present. Nowadays, we are easily distributed by external stimuli. It will prevent us from achieving our task. The noise can break our concentration. Even if it is supposedly helpful noise, like our friends and family telling us what to do, it's not useful. There is an old saying “ Too many chiefs will spoil the soup.” The secret of scrumptious dishes is to make them simple and satisfy customers.

Everyone knows the importance of time, but they rarely learn how to concentrate on the present until it's too late and they have wasted many chances. So what do we need to do to make ourselves efficient and productive? From my viewpoint, the answer is focus. Only when you are focused on one thing completely and consistently. You can enter a state of mind flow. “Flow state” is the optimal state for completing any task and getting into it should be a goal for any individual.

What do people feel when they are in a flow state? They will be happy. They are quick learners. They tend to take on challenges. They are willing to accept everything for better or worse. They think quickly. They won't fix on certain frames. People within a state of mind flow are more powerful than they think.

How to enter a flow state? First, you need to love what you do. Then, try to pay attention to the present and be away from any distractions. It's not an easy job but we still need to try. There is a common way of time management that is called Pomodoro. It helps you focus on one thing in 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break. Try it on and make it a good habit. 



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