Less is More

Keep it Simple.

Why do we always blame others? Why do we always compare ourselves to others? Maybe we are so greedy that it causes us to be stressed out. Getting more isn't always a good thing. How can we do the right things with our limited time and resources? It's the key point we need to think about. For example, reading news from the Internet is definitely beneficial for people. However, too much information might lead you to procrastinate. 

As time passes by, I realize that I don't need complex plans and multifunctional tools. The deployment and expansion of my existing resources is my top priority. We are often frustrated as to why we have done so much and gotten nothing. This is because we all misunderstood the saying: "Only children make choices." Actually, smart people do have options. We can't have or do everything. All we can do is choose what we need. The possibility of expanding our resources comes from our choices. 

If you have access to rich people, they don't do things on their own. Instead, they prefer to hire people to do things they don't do. They rather spend time in their professional fields. After all, our focus is limited. No one can be 100% perfect.

In my opinion, happiness lies in contentment. The gentler we become, the more changes we accept. In the midst of unpredictable vicissitudes, we feel tranquil. Be a fearless person, don't be a person who lives in the past. 

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