Hong Kong College of Technology 香港專業進修學校

Department of Human Resources

HKCT (www.hkct.edu.hk), Hong Kong College of Technology and HKCT Institute of Higher Education, committed to Vocational & Professional Education and Training (VPET) over decades, is a charitable self-financed institution with degree-awarding status in Hong Kong.  Our provision covers higher education and continuing education, ranging from Applied Learning, Diploma Yi Jin, Higher Diploma to Degree programmes on the Qualifications Register; from Employees Retraining Board courses, Continuing Education Fund-reimbursable courses to Postgraduate awards by overseas universities, equipping youths and in-service workers with local and/or international qualifications.  We strive to nurture students with virtues and competence to sustain their personal and professional growth for serving Hong Kong and our country.  

Join us if you are passionate about education, especially VPET!


港專 (www.hkct.edu.hk)(「香港專業進修學校」及「港專學院」)多年來堅守職業專才教育的信念,是一所註冊非牟利並可頒授認可學位的香港自資高等院校。課程涵蓋不同種類高等教育及持續進修課程,由高中應用學習課程、毅進文憑、高級文憑、以至自授學位課程; 亦提供僱員再培訓課程、持續進修基金課程以至海外大學頒授之碩士學位課程,為青年和在職人士取得本地和/或國際認可資歷。我們致力培育學生良好品德、態度和專業技能,使其能發展個人事業,服務社會和國家。

現誠邀對職業專才教育有熱誠的人才加入 !