
老實說,從前的你們是否與我一樣政治冷感,覺得事不關己,己不勞心?覺得政治離自己很遠?覺得自己改變不了什麼?覺得生活要煩的事已經夠多了?直至最近的6・9 、6・12、6・16及就在早幾日的7・1,你還覺得離你很遠嗎?有人說不要為了政見而導致一段關係破裂,但我說不要因為一段膚淺的關係而做不回自己。
There is a saying “It’s much better to act once than thinking a thousand times”. Eventually, I have decided to do what I'd like to do with courage.
Recently, Hong Kong has got sick. You and I can feel it too. There's so much word and feeling I want to say, but it’s too difficult to express or describe it. Maybe we just all need a secret and comfortable place for us to unburden the stress and here it is! Thank you for being with me here. It will be updated frequently!
Honestly, were you also being political apathy same as me before? Feeling politics is far from us and nothing much we can do about it or make a change? Thinking there’s much more thing needed to be taken care of in life? Do you still think it’s not close to our life after all the things happened on 9th June, 12th, 16th and 1st July? Some people said “Don’t lose a relationship because of politics.” 
I said, “Don’t lose yourself because of a superficial relationship.”

Having dispute and different opinions or points of view is normal. What’s most important is to have a peaceful and rational discussion without perceptions or prejudgement objectively. If a relationship (family, friendship or love) can’t even do this little thing, just let it go. There’s no more reason to maintain those kinds of “relationship”. 
Family, we have no choice but to silently wish they would understand it someday. At least they wouldn’t blame the protestors.
Friends and lover, we have the choice. It’s doesn’t matter to have different opinions because it helps you to understand each other more through the differences, to minimize the gap between two of you and let the factor which might be harmful originally to become a supplement for the relationship. If you already tried your best, still couldn’t make any positive effects on the relationship, it’s okay, at least you have done your part.
I’m not blaming politics tears us apart. I just hope someday when we look back and see each other, there’s a smile on our face.

平凡空中小薯, 分享日常生活大大小小的感受, 一同學習一同成長 (Facebook 專頁:給昨天的自己-To yesterday's me)
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