chu wingyee

Junior UX Designer, Social Media Editor, Copy Writer

hello, I am Winnie Chu. I am currently studying UX design and I worked as copy writer at SEO agency company before. Not only SEO writing,I am also good at social media management such as creating informative graphic, content creating. Now I am focusing on UX design and still working hard on it. 

大家好,我叫Winnie,過往一年係網絡營銷公司擔任文案作家,專注於搜尋引擎優化(SEO)文案創作,同時亦有管理社交媒體平台嘅經驗,現時正研習用戶研究設計UX Design,同時作為Freelancer,專注於Copy Writer。以下為個人網站,當中有過往工作嘅文案,如果有興趣合作,可經Email聯絡本人。