Cindy, Ho Yee CHAN

Cofounder of Deep Food

陳可兒現於中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院修讀設計碩士課程, 並修畢同校藝術及設計基礎證書及曾修讀產品設計文學士課程,她亦是劍橋大學格頓學院經濟學交換生。她是香港理工大學產品設計學文學士2019畢業生,並於獲選大學年度最卓越學生獎的殊榮。曾獲匯豐銀行、陳廷驊基金會及領賢慈善基金頒授獎學金的陳可兒,於2018年贏得Spark Design Award 決賽入圍名單及香港零售管理協會Green Hackathon 2019年冠軍。

陳可兒是推廣亞洲飲食文化的創作單位「深食」(Deep Food) 的創辦人之一。「深食」旨在透過食物設計,令吃的體驗能促進深思和建設性的設計過程。

Co-founder of Deep Food and a current student in Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries at Saint Martins. Cindy has done the Foundation Diploma in Art and design and studied BA Product Design at Central Saint Martins and the Economics Exchange Programme at Girton College, University of Cambridge. She graduated in 2019 with first-class honours a Bachelor of Arts in Product Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where she was the Most Outstanding PolyU Student of the year and a valedictorian.

Having been awarded the HSBC Hong Kong, the D. H. Chen Foundation and the First Initiative Foundation Design Scholarship, in 2018 Cindy won Spark Design Award finalist and the 2019 Champion — Green Hackathon Hong Kong, Hong Kong Retail Management Association as well as DfA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award 2019.

Cindy co-founded Deep Food to promote food design from an Asian perspective. Deep Food aims to create experiences of eating as a thought-provoking medium.
Highly motivated, proactive, responsible and talented, Cindy wants to extend the boundaries of food culture by exploring experimental design solutions and stimulating discussion.